Sunday, August 10, 2008

All was well ...

.. until I read those lines.

I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows this morning. A bit behind the times, I know, but the rest of my collection is in paperback so I waited until now. It's made me feel a bit emotional. Not balling-my-eyes-out emotional, but a bit might-cry-if-I-watched-Lassie emotional (the old TV series - not one of the later telemovies that was on 7 recently).

I think there's a few things at play here. I can't mention them all in case I spoil it for you. Actually, to hell with it. The book's been out for a while now and if Scott Mills reckons 24 hours is okay to publicly talk about a TV episode, then I reckon a year is okay for a book. But, if you are thinking you'll read the books later, then consider this your SPOILER WARNING!

So, I first noticed myself getting a bit emotional last night when I read the chapter where Snape is found out to a good guy after all. It was so good to see that because I'd always believed that he was and I was devastated (that may be a bit of an overstatement) when he killed Dumbledore in the Half Blood Prince. I read that scene several times looking for anything that could give me a glimmer of hope that he was on Dumbledore's side. But I still didn't guess the truth.

I suppose the hint that Harry must die also put me in a good mood - I've never really liked him.

Then, this morning, I read the rest of the book. There was some humour, loads of action, and Good winning over Evil. What more could you want. I was taken along with the whole of Potter's journey and was sad to see it end.

But I think the real reason I felt a little emotional is because - secretly - I wouldn't have minded being a wizard myself. And the final chapter means there is no more of that world to be revealed.
