Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm back - take II

Nearly 12 months have passed and the urge has returned! It must be something about these cold wintery evenings.

So, after fiddling with the template for a couple of weeks, I think I'm finally ready for the relaunch of my life (in blog terms, at least).

I'm not an expert at editing these templates, so if it looks like a mess in your browser then please let me know. I'm not sure how you'll know whether it's an accidental or intentional mess, but let me know anyway.

Hopefully, this will be the start of a long journey for this blog. I've still got my entries from the first edition of my life (around 2003-2004), and I plan to post those again at some point - probably one at a time with some added notes from the present day!

I also wrote a diary of my first year in Australia, so I'll probably post an edited version of that in the future.
